Today, I am excited to reveal one of my recent local client projects. This project has been so much fun for me. I absolutely adore the sweet family that lives here. They have been such a joy to work with. They trusted me completely and shared my vision for their home. I couldn't ask for better clients! Becoming friends with my clients is the absolute best side benefit to my job!
On to the project...My client's purchased their home in 2010. The house, which was built in 2000, has great space, but already felt dated due to the finishes and fixtures the previous owners selected when they built the home. My clients were able to see the potential in the home, and soon after purchasing it, they set out to make it more reflective of them, a young and vibrant professional couple with two darling little girls. They renovated the kitchen and bathrooms into fresh spaces laced with beautiful white cabinetry and they painted their home in a soothing shade of gray. That's where they stopped, and that's when they called me to help them finish it off. After consulting with them, we decided to use bold color in the living/dining area, while still keeping it clean and sophisticated. Celerie Kemble's Hot House Flowers fabric in Spark was chosen as the inspiration for the color palette. We also updated all of the light fixtures, replaced the dated front door and decorated the space with beautiful bright furnishings and accessories. I love the completed space and how it perfectly reflects my client's family. I am thrilled my clients love it to.
Here is what their home looked like the first time I saw it...
And here is what it looks like now...
I am currently working on the piano room and master bedroom in this home, so stay tuned for the reveal of those spaces!